Posts Tagged ‘Tabitha Mugenzi’

19th Commemoration, April 7 (DC)

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

It was an honor for VOR to be included in the 19th National Commemoration hosted by the Rwandan Embassy. VOR’s director Taylor Krauss shared his thoughts on the power of testimonies in Rwanda today. Other speakers included Ambassador Eng. James Kimonyo along with testimonies from Tabitha Mugenzi and Kalima Kizito.
(April 7, 2013)

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Thanks to Constitutional Hill, Cape Town Holocaust Centre, Columbia University, Concordia University, Bates College, UNISA, JAFFA, Habonim, Albuquerque Academy, Friends Academy, Hillel International, Project One, Audiobraille, The AJC, and George Washington University for hosting Voices of Rwanda.

To inquire about bringing Voices of Rwanda to your school, email us.

Thank you to Bartle Bogle Hegarty for hosting our first photograph exhibit.

We were thrilled to be part of Limmud South Africa in Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban, and thank Limmud for including us.

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